
Sunday, January 13, 2008

Another Long Awaited Outing

I've promised Shamin that we'll meet up like eons ago and never had the chance until yesterday.. so i drive over to Forest Hills condo where she lived and took the kids swimming... nice pool... long ones with a circular baby pool with water sprinklers.. the kids enjoyed it.. i usually hate pools.. it makes my skin look grey and i can never get a nice tan... maybe its the chlorine... maybe her pool uses less chlorine or whatever..

Anyway we headed to Dempsey and was about to bring the kids to Bambini when i realized they are closed at 6pm!!! We got there at 5.30pm! What a waste!!! So i bought ice-cream and the kids had a tumble at the Ben & Jerry's van.. and we sat having tea at Jones the grocer... it was weird to see Sub again after many many years.. its funny how we were so close before and now we're practically strangers...

After that was toys time to compensate their Bambini time and Faiz chose a train set and Faris surprisingly chose a Thomas Train plug in game!!!

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