
Friday, January 11, 2008

Popeye Again!!!

It seems for now I am in the mood for fried, greasy food!! uuurrgghhh maybe thats my way of coping with depression... of not having my hubby around.. or relieving the stress at home...

So since i had to meet a client over at One Raffles Quay i decided to proceed to the airport afterwards to have dinner with Yati...
So we had the Chicken & Shrimp Meal for $16.90.. upsize $2.. and I get extra sized drinks with 2 extra side dishes.. i took the mash & the coleslaw.. i feel like such a glutton! Anyway the closing hours at Popeye's is at 2am!!! Which means the next time i fetch Fai at midnight I can have supper there! yippeee.. i think the best thing abt Popeye is the Biscuits.. would have been better if they had some sort of gravy to eat it with.. but the jam is fine... feels like having breakfast after dinner! lol

Anyway we decided to talk for a bit and wash the food down at Cafe Ritazza talking about her impending nuptuals and her honeymoon... i think she's more excited about the honeymoon than the wedding itself! lol We decided to save $ by taking a bus home.. gosh did i underestimate the timing!! I left T1 at 9.40pm and by the time the bus travelled to T3 it was already 10.10pm!! People around me were snoring and there were all sort of smells!!! Reached Yishun at 10.45pm and I should have gotten off and taken a train! Instead i sat and waited.. i finally alighted at 11.20pm!!!! By then I was hungry again... :-)


  1. Ait? From Raffles to Airport?? hehehe

    I thought Popeye's 24hrs? Cos mummy said she, her bosses and colleagues from Qodariyah Travels loitered there overnight till 3 or 5am while waiting for jemaah to take off or something.

    Hmmm i dont know i think i'd rather take the bus cos got seats and no need to change! Esp if in need of rest.

  2. nope only until 2am..... maybe during haj period they extended tak?
