
Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Faiz First Day @ Iman Kindergarten

I took leave so that i could see my baby go to school! Ok ok..playgroup is not school school but you get my gist! The main pictures are in Facebook as well the video of him alighting from his school bus.... I was so worried he'll cry but to my surprise Faiz took it all in his stride like an adventure!

Fai stayed with him for the entire 1st day..all lengthy 1.5 hours... I was so proud!! I wanted to cry... my baby is off to school!
When he came back he even took off his own socks, shoes......aaaaahhhh

2nd day was better! He wanted to get ready at 12.30pm!! School starts at 1.45pm!!! So by 12.45pm he was in his PE attire, shoes & backpack all ready!! Talk about excitement!!


  1. oh play grp is only for 1.5hrs? So cute what do they do? But so EX ley the fees. Sec sch lagi murah!

    How was his second day?

  2. hehehe what to do the smaller they are the more ex it is!! They sing, dance, prolly the teacher will teach basic doas...

    It beats staying home and being bored...

  3. Yeah lah true... Kesian jugak tgk Syifaa'. Masa tu takde org kat rumah me and Kak LY and her only. Then she cried bcos i closed the door. she must have been so bored!

    But i wonder how the older generation survived without nursery?.... I suppose having lotsa siblings and a vast compound to play helped.

  4. definately helped..i was a kampong girl and no one was home usually i'll climb trees, pick cherries or play with sand.. there's always activities...
