
Sunday, January 06, 2008

Tragic Sunday

The sunday was supposed to be a wonderful outing.. we hit the beach again since Fai dun get a chance in Jakarta... but tragedy struck when Fai was giving Faris a piggy back.. his chain came loose and fell into the water.. Whats so tragic about that?? Well a couple years ago when Fai was playing Footie (as a goalie) he sprained his ring finger and had to permanently remove his wedding band.. YES THATS TRAGIC FOR ME!!! ehhehehe

So he loop it on his chain so that i'll be close to his heart always... so now my hubby is wedding-band less... I wanted to cry when he came up looking screwed up but I know if i did i'll make him feel worse .. so i told him we'll always remember Sentosa's Tanjong Beach as where his ring will be... for always...

I took a picture of my rings... I will never lose it insyaallah unless i lose my finger itself!! Its been on my fingers for the past 6 years we've been married..never take it out.. not even when i shower. I feel naked without them.. and what's more.. the wedding band is my mas kahwin... see how lopsided mine is?? all dented.. it had Faisal's name engraved on the inside with our wedding date.. my name is somewhere in the ocean........

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