
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Back to reality

We went to JB yesterday for lunch & Faris had his first lesson in pumping petrol! wooo hooo
(secretly I think he loves the smell of petrol because he always gives some excuse to get out of the car when we're at the station!) Something stupidly hillarious happened on the drive back.. my tummy was a bit unwell... maybe its the chemistry between sambal tumis, Berocca tables & the flu & cough Meds but I could feel my tummy rumbling... I thought " ah well.. its only 15 mins thru the customs".. right at the Singapore customs I knew I couldn't take it anymore... my bulu roma was standing upright and I was trying to concentrate not to let it go right there and there! Faris had the cheek to blurt out.. "Mommy... WHAT'S THAT SMELL!!!" I quickly rolled down the window... heheheh 

The JB car in front of me was taking ages!! One woman in the car and yet taking so long...why must this happen to me!!!!! okay okay... maybe i was in so much urgency that it felt like ages...(in my head kept singing that stupid song when we're kids... about pusing pusat, terpusing taik aku to distract my obvious discomfort!)

When it was my turn, I couldn't help but tell the Customs officer that I urgently needed to use the restroom (luckily it was a very gentle looking middle aged lady -  who prolly could understand the meaning of bowel incompetency) ahahah

She said "Ok OK I'll be quick!" Gave me the directions to the loo...Bless her soul!!

After i drove off i couldn't find the lane towards the loo (well obviously they were not going to put up a big 'TO TOILET' sign for people like me but I drove right into the RED LANE - THE TO DECLARE LANE.. at that point I didn't care if they want to do a 100% check on the car! All I want was the loo! The police or ICA guy allowed me in and needless to say the rest was history.....


After being in my jammies daily for the past 14 days, now its back to reality and get my ass back to work... sob sob sob..

The thing I miss most (definately not the fever or the pox!) is spending time with the boys... playing Monopoly, PS2 and even hide & seek...... 

There was a lot to clear at work! My tables doesn't look the same as I left it (wide -eyed)! Having 2 guys covering me while I was gone definately had its destructions!

Lunch was late though.. I dunno why customers always walk in the moment I decided to step out for lunch?? Every damn day!! uurrgghh

Decided on Ban Mian at Banquet with loads of chilli padi at the side.. yuuummmm.... oh no.. my tummy!!

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