
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My New Hairdo

It takes a lot of guts to do what i did......... i finally cut my hair after 16 years.. not trim trim but actually chopping the whole lot off.. I was scared out of my mind initially.. but I had no choice... there was no way I'm gonna keep 'bunning' my hair every day to work! I was so sick of it! The 'wave spa' that I did in Jakarta absolutely ruined my silky straight hair... Jazz (my hairdresser) said that half of my hair is damaged and if i do not chop it off now, the rest of it will get damaged too...

So that's me at the salon...

Front & back view of my new-do..

I think i look fresh... I'm kinda glad I did it... i got the thumbs up from my colleagues... I MMSed Yati & Choo immediately after and they both said Faisal might really like the new me..

Actually that was what triggered the whole thing.. me talking to Fai about how damaged my hair is and told him I was contemplating on cutting and he sounded so excited! He said he's never seen me in anything but my long straight hair ever since he got to know me when I was 21!! Gosh thats like ages ago and I realize I feel so dull and boring! I mean marriage is hard work as it is.. seeing the same person looking THAT way for 9 years must be hard to swallow too!!!

So this 'sacrificial' cut is dedicated to husband....... hopefully you feel like you're loving a new woman! :-)