
Friday, April 11, 2008

Bad Week

Its not that I have been hibernating ... or the lack of ideas to blog.. this week is filled with exhaustion and anxiety!

I think I am more exhausted this week than last week when i was struck with chicken pox! Mama started coughing quite badly on Sunday night, so bad that she had to use Faris's inhaler to breathe! So Monday morning (not realizing that loads are people are taking MC) we trudged from 1 doctor to another only to discover we were like 20th in the waiting list for all!! After waiting for 45min at the first clinic (and only 2 patients went in) we realize we'll end up wasting the day.

So finally got to the doc on Tuesday and they gave Mama 2 jabs.. one for fast acting anti-biotics and for something else..doc said any later it could be bronchitis which can result to asthma in the long run! So once thats settled, we drove all the way to clementi for lunch as i was craving for my rojak and then we saw that the shop was closed..urrghh... what a kerfuffle it was when we reach! One scoop of chicken rice into Faiz mouth and he vomited all over the place! we felt his forehead and it was very warm... why couldn't he have vomited when we were at the Doctor's!!

Anyway for the last 3 nights his fever shot up, coughed very badly until i had to put a bucket for standby whenever he wants to cough cuz he'll vomit at the same time! So I was like a guard on duty! Last night was the worse.. every 15 mins he would cough and vomit.. =  me not sleeping for the whole night! Imagine wandering off to dreamland only to be jolted awake..aarrrgghh exhausting!

Took him to the doc today, spent $50 and came home with 5 types of meds for the poor boy... i feel extremely lethargic... 2 weeks of MC = to zero rest. If only i have a husband here then maybe I wouldn't feel so exhausted. Fai gives me a lot of moral support and kind words but its not enough...

I guess thats the sacrifice one makes once the kids come along..its not an easy road ESPECIALLY if you're doing everything on your own.

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