
Friday, April 11, 2008

How To Get a Kid to Lose Weight?

As you all know, Faris is a tad overweight... I'm at loss about what to do about it.. he doesn't eat much, he doesn't snack.. hell he doesn't even like sweet stuff like chocolates or sweets! Having asthma also doesn't help because he's on ventolin and inflamide (which apparently has steroids in it) which somehow makes him bloat up!

Its not even in the family history to have asthma... all I know is on my maternal side we get migraines a lot and mouth ulcers.. i have it, my mom, my grandma and all my aunts.. 

Anyway back to Faris, I make the effort to minimize fast food so if he's craving for burgers.. i'll go for a healthier option like this one.. Salmon burger...

Went to this Gourmet shop (at the outskirts of Woodlands) called Fassler and bought some smoked salmon and salmon burgers and Faris surprisingly liked it.. i thought he was gonna say its fishy etc... pan fried it on thick toast with thin slice of low fat cheese...I mean its still way healthier than what we Malays normally eat isn't it ? Like mee goreng and stuff! Imagine the calories in that!


  1. Ohhh i suspect its the Ventolin's work. Have u ever taken him off it?

    Make him exercise an hour everyday?

  2. hahahahhah I send him to soccer and he gets asthma attack! lol...

    Its better now.. he doesn't need the ventolin as often but losing the weight is still hard!
