
Sunday, April 27, 2008

We waited so long for Fai to finally come home. He was supposed to come home end March for Faiz birthday, but Faris had the pox, he delayed it for 2 weeks later in which me and Faiz both had the pox.. so he finally came home on Friday evening .. it was supposed to be an early flight at 8pm but he called saying the flight still hadn't taken off... Finally he arrived at 10.30pm ..

We went to Bedok to have tea and supper.. my MIL, FIL, SIL, BIL and niece & nephew came along as well. They haven't seen Fai since CNY in Feb! I had to work on Saturday so not much time were spent together! By the time i got home, half the day was gone... Fai was sweet enough to fetch me at AMK with the kids.. Cik Nani wanted this Indo movie called Ayat Ayat Cinta so Fai managed to buy but we didn't even have the time watch it! We didn't even have time to play a game of Scrabble! By the time we got home from the flyer i was so knocked out from waking early i totally snored! Faiz had fever so he woke up like every two hours crankily.

Sunday morning was spent with MIL & FIL over breakfast at jurong.. nothing spectacular.. wanted the Nasi Ambeng at Bt Batok but the queue would be a killer! So we went to Makan Shiok instead.

How time flies, next thing we knew Fai was packing up to leave for the airport... it was a sad goodbye.. my heart breaks every single time he leaves... then again as the saying goes, absence makes the heart grows fonder....


  1. OMG his hair is long! hehehe I didnt catch a glimpse of him also

  2. who's hair is long?? Abang Fai?? No la if you look carefully my MIL is standing at the back...
