
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

2008 Resolution

For once I am following through to the resolution i've been making every single year! To lose weight!!!Ok granted I am not fat.. have never been fat but that doesn't mean I don't have jiggly bits from having the boys... sometimes I reminisce about my pre-babies body and I sighhhhhhhhh... its unfair that we women have to go through the pregnancy, the labour and the gaining weight!!

So what triggered the losing weight bit was when we went to Melbourne, Cik Nani bought this threadmill and I saw how Cik Imah lost weight and how much younger she looks now!

So I kinda convinced my mom to purchase one using the money we gave her. I even offered to top up the difference if it wasn't enough... i mean it was either the threadmill or a bag and she was convinced that she needed it for her cardiovascular anyway... ehehheh so its a win-win situation after all..

We went to AIBI about 2 weeks ago and since they were having GSS sale and we chose this...

Pretty good so far.. I've been clocking an average 3km to 5km depending on the time I have every single evening... I feel less lethargic now and my face started to look more chiselled.. although losing my bum and part of my chest area is something I can't prevent and part of the process... so cheers to a new me.... (lets see when this phase of my life will stop??)


  1. Wah so fast can see the diff?

    How about renting it out for neighbour's use? LOL like $1 an hour?

  2. funny.. $1 tak cover electric pun! ahahahahahah
