
Monday, July 14, 2008


Those who are close to me knows that I have a tendency of selling a lot of my junk either at flea markets @ Tanglin Mall or on ebay for big bulky items...

Lately i don't have much to sell but seriously a lot to buy! Since losing my $1k cash last month to the pickpocketer, I've gone cuckoo and I decided the only way to console myself is to purchase something equivalent .. sort of to forget my mistake........

My first purchase was a Gucci Doctor bag with wooden handles... its nice for jemputan or with jeans on Saturday..

The feeling of getting & waiting for the parcel to arrive was euphroric!! Then i got crazy soon after I bid for another white Gucci Hobo, a Chanel bag & a coach bag which i lost out by $2.50!!! Its addictive.... but since I didn't win it didn't matter...

Then while bored at work i came across a charity auction for the Rotary Club of Pandan Valley.. these rich people donating their expensive things for charity.. i cant remember though which charity it would go to...nevertheless its for something good...

Anyway to cut the long story short I managed to bid something for me and something for Fai..
for Fai a lovely lovel Cufflinks from LV which retails at $500 at the stores...when I started bidding I just knew it was meant to be for him...I was intently staring at my laptop screen at work my eyes would have popped!

Lovely isn't it? It comes with this nice leather casing.. I found my LV box from my namecard holder and nicely wrapped it for Fai... he was shocked and angry cuz he thought I wasted so much money.. when I told him I got the bid at $130 he simmerred down a little... 

Any for myself....... I managed to bid for  Coach bag at a very reasonable price of $170..... Its not too big so good for days when I am not carrying too much junk..

At least I consoled myself...... I'm doing my bid for charity........


  1. So that means you lost $2,000 altogether? LOL.

  2. pretty much!! ahahahahha i just shut my mind abt the first $1k... lol
