
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Craving For Fajitas

Faris had  sudden craving for Tacos today... what he actually meant was Fajitas but its a bit of a mouthful for him to pronounce.. plus the poor boy started wheezing last night and had to see the Doc today so I gave in... even when he insisted that he wanted to cook it..

Its been awhile since we had Fajitas... I think the last was many moons ago when I packed it for the trip to KL! That was long!!!

Its really quite simple.. you sauteed onions, capsicums, then the beef which is marinated with the Fajita Seasonings.. then add some diced tomatoes..
Heat up the Tortilla, add a little bit of Salsa or Nacho Supremo (which is not as spicy as Salsa), wrap it and you're done!

Anyway Faris loved it and dessert was even better... raw sugarcane ... to nibble!

Monday, July 21, 2008

My poor hands & Our new laptop

Did I mentioned I went to Sentosa to 'train' for a volleyball competition next saturday?? Well after 2 hours of being tortured my hands turned black & blue today.. the picture didn't capture the blue or the black but its quite obvious my right palm is bigger than my left! Plus that arm part above the wrist had spots of red & blue.... siggghhhhh

Anyway I didn't snap any pictures of me training.. i think my bruises are enough proof..
maybe I had no technique.... maybe I am used to 'softer' balls.........

As a consolation though, I came back from work with a new toy.... our new HP Mini Note PC..

Pretty sleek eh?? Its free by the way.. I realized how silly we've been for using StarHub broadband with no plan (since we are using the unlimited access) we've been paying a monthly premium of $56 all these while.. so when I called up Starhub, they conveniently said " have no tied up plan" only when I enquired if we are eligible for the laptop that they said yes.... duh... its not as if we WILL NOT be using the broadband for the next 2 years!!

Its so small its smaller than my portable DVD player!!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Spontaneous Visit

On thursday I just had this huge empty feeling of missing Fai.. I dunno why!!! To think we've been talking on the phone every single day, texting.. and worse considering he just flew off last Sunday I dunno why I was feeling that way!

I decided to do the unthinkable!!I message my mom saying I needed to fly off to Jakarta and to please understand and take care of the boys, texted my 2 bosses saying I need to take urgent half day & full day leave on Friday...

I checked and the earliest flight available was Qatar at 2.50pm... time check was already 12.30pm.... I took a cab straight to the airport! Luckily I had someone to cover me at work and Mama is ok with it.. it was also a weekday there were seats available but the damage? $417!! To think when I fly with Lufthansa it usually cost me less than $300...and this time its only for 1 day!!!

It felt so euphoric!!! Leaving with just the same clothes I wore to work and nothing else. Thank godness I had my passport with me all the time ever since I lost my wallet!

Before I flew off, I call Fai and he didn't even sound surprised that I was flying over... he just joked "Nak spot check ke??" hehhehhe... I just told him I missed him...

I took a cab from the airport to Plaza Semanggi to get a pair of flat sandals since I had only work shoes and buy a dress for coming home since I can't possibly wear the same shirt and pants back!!...Fai was still not done with his appointments so I went to do some Mani & Pedi at La Diva for only Rph 85000!! So cheap!

The girl was so slow!! By then he decided to go back to the apartment, do his prayers, change and then fetch me for dinner.. since he changed, I decided I should change too!! So I changed into my dress right there in Semanggi's toilet! hahahaha

We went for a nice Spanish dinner at Moya and listened to a Jazz band .. it was so romantic!! They were playing 'My Funny Valentine' and we ordered Tapas & Seafood Paella which reminded us of our 1-month-long honeymoon.. 7 years ago! We made a pact to go back to Spain again some day with the kids...

He had to work on Friday (obviously couldn't change his appointments for me!) and I was so lazy I didn't even leave the apartment! To think I had planned to get my hair washed and get a 'cream bath' done at the Salon and do a little shopping while waiting for him to finish work. In the end I ended watching the entire first season of New Amsterdam, My Mother's New Boyfriend (starring Meg Ryan & Antonio Banderas) and Cleaner (Samuel L Jackson & Eva Mendes) from 730am to 430pm until he got home! Thats what I call a couch potato!!!!

So we did nothing but laze around and talk since my flight is not until WIB 11.35pm.... its so different talking to each other when the kids are around.. we get distracted and can't fully lavish our attention towards one another. This time its just us having a heart to heart talk... reminding ourselves how in love we were and why we got married in the first place..

I think its so important in every marriage not to 'let-go' and allow the marriage to become monotonous and routined... every marriage needs effort... I'm so glad i followed my heart and did mine.. This short spontaneous visit made us realize we should treasure our relationship more than ever..

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

2008 Resolution

For once I am following through to the resolution i've been making every single year! To lose weight!!!Ok granted I am not fat.. have never been fat but that doesn't mean I don't have jiggly bits from having the boys... sometimes I reminisce about my pre-babies body and I sighhhhhhhhh... its unfair that we women have to go through the pregnancy, the labour and the gaining weight!!

So what triggered the losing weight bit was when we went to Melbourne, Cik Nani bought this threadmill and I saw how Cik Imah lost weight and how much younger she looks now!

So I kinda convinced my mom to purchase one using the money we gave her. I even offered to top up the difference if it wasn't enough... i mean it was either the threadmill or a bag and she was convinced that she needed it for her cardiovascular anyway... ehehheh so its a win-win situation after all..

We went to AIBI about 2 weeks ago and since they were having GSS sale and we chose this...

Pretty good so far.. I've been clocking an average 3km to 5km depending on the time I have every single evening... I feel less lethargic now and my face started to look more chiselled.. although losing my bum and part of my chest area is something I can't prevent and part of the process... so cheers to a new me.... (lets see when this phase of my life will stop??)

Monday, July 14, 2008


Those who are close to me knows that I have a tendency of selling a lot of my junk either at flea markets @ Tanglin Mall or on ebay for big bulky items...

Lately i don't have much to sell but seriously a lot to buy! Since losing my $1k cash last month to the pickpocketer, I've gone cuckoo and I decided the only way to console myself is to purchase something equivalent .. sort of to forget my mistake........

My first purchase was a Gucci Doctor bag with wooden handles... its nice for jemputan or with jeans on Saturday..

The feeling of getting & waiting for the parcel to arrive was euphroric!! Then i got crazy soon after I bid for another white Gucci Hobo, a Chanel bag & a coach bag which i lost out by $2.50!!! Its addictive.... but since I didn't win it didn't matter...

Then while bored at work i came across a charity auction for the Rotary Club of Pandan Valley.. these rich people donating their expensive things for charity.. i cant remember though which charity it would go to...nevertheless its for something good...

Anyway to cut the long story short I managed to bid something for me and something for Fai..
for Fai a lovely lovel Cufflinks from LV which retails at $500 at the stores...when I started bidding I just knew it was meant to be for him...I was intently staring at my laptop screen at work my eyes would have popped!

Lovely isn't it? It comes with this nice leather casing.. I found my LV box from my namecard holder and nicely wrapped it for Fai... he was shocked and angry cuz he thought I wasted so much money.. when I told him I got the bid at $130 he simmerred down a little... 

Any for myself....... I managed to bid for  Coach bag at a very reasonable price of $170..... Its not too big so good for days when I am not carrying too much junk..

At least I consoled myself...... I'm doing my bid for charity........

Friday, July 04, 2008

Invitation to Faris Bday BBQ

To be honest its not really for Faris bday... its just an excuse for me to get Faisal to come back and another excuse to panggang the food from BBQ Wholesale which I truly miss!!!.. ehhehehe

So to my dear neighbours who might be reading this... you're INVITED..

Date :- Saturday 12th July 2008

Time :- Anytime after 5pm.. we'll be starting the fire & the haul of barang2 from 4pm.. so please feel free to lend us your helping hand..

Location :- The BBQ Pit next to the gym (so you have no excuse not to come.. plus if the food is too fattening, the gym is next to it for you to work it off...) 

For the young and cute ones I'll be giving away

ooooppps price stag still there! While stock last..