
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sad Story

Its so sad... at 6pm today .. one of closest girlfriend texted me saying that she lost the twins she was carrying.. Its only 8-9 weeks.. went for the scan and there's no heartbeat...When I spoke to her she was crying and crying... just came out from Thomson Medical and saying that she needs to 'remove' the foetus tomorrow...

I feel for her.. as I have gone through the same thing and the devastation I felt when it happened was unbearable.. its as if I am going through it once again...

For her its twice the pain... knowing that the twins would have been the same gender .. "I think it may be two boys... i just feel it" she said to me last week over breakfast ...

My dear.... please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you at your time of despair...

Monday, August 25, 2008

Weird of the weirdness...

When I got back from Jakarta on Sunday i totally couldn't sleep because somehow I K-Oed in the plane and couldn't even open my eyes when the rest of the passengers started to move out! So i was updating Facebook and Multiply and i saw a chat prompt... it says 'Farhana Satar- Nezondet'.. asking why am i not asleep at 1.30am!!

Ok... just to recap... my husband has had a very long history of many relationships in his life.. i always thought I coincidentally happened to be around since he vowed to get married on his 30th birthday! Anyway, he was engaged once to this girl ,Fazila and when his engagement crumbled, he started dating this Farhana... then she left for Melbourne to study and things didn't work out then only I came into the picture... (trust me.. its not as complicated as it really is... Fai dated many more people .. i'm just cutting the story short!)

I've always been civil when I met Fazila..i mean we're both married now anyway so whats there not to be civil about... however I have never verbally spoken to Farhana although I 'saw' her at her sister's wedding or at some expo thingy.. then I added her on Facebook and suddenly I get the about chat thing!

Its surprising how you can converse with anyone and there's no weirdness.. We chatted about the commonalities.. people we know... her life in France.. kids.. jakarta.. but our main topic apart from the obvious was my mother in law and Fazila!! I guess its hillarious that we both we sort of 'mentally tormented' by the fact that Fai's mom loved Fazila to death and we both played second fiddle to her. I used to argue with Fai all the time even after we got married about it as to why her name was always brought up... 'Fazila this, Fazila that.... uurrrggghhh' .. I didn't realize Ana went though the same thing!!

When I told Fai about it he was silent... maybe there was no reaction because it sounded... well... weird... when I asked about some of the things that happened.. he bloody can't remember it... does men have an extremely short-termed memory capacity or is it just that they do not want to answer certain questions for fear of dragging the whole conversation into an arguement?? ahhahaha

I can understand if he thought it was weird... i would too is he started talking to Ismail.......... yikes!!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Why my 'surprise' trip ended up not being a surprise!

Tomorrow's trip was supposed to be a surprise trip... to celebrate our post anniversary but silly me dumped all this year's tickets together and Fai 'accidentally' saw it! darn it!!

Anyway since I grabbed the booking off him before he actually saw the date, he wasn't exactly sure when I would be flying up except that its in August somewhere!! 

Last weekend when I was there...he said his staff made arrangement to go to Bandung for the weekend and he said 'You're not coming up next weekend are you?'

huh????? darn!! If i didn't tell him I'm either stuck in Jakarta alone for the weekend or I'll have to spend another US$50 to cancel and re-book my flight for the following weekend!! What would you have done if you were me??? I gave him a pout.. this pathetic... pleading look... THEN HE LAUGHED!! I got tricked!! 

His staff is still in the midst of arranging appointments but its not firmed and its just his way of tricking me into telling......... hmmmppphh!!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Happy Anniversary to me

I just want this year to pass by quickly so that we can do everything right in 2009... Fai wasn't with me when I celebrated my 30th birthday and he's not here now when we're supposed to be celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary & his 37th birthday...

I guess we didn't planned it properly enough..granted everything fell on a weekday..but after yesterday's trip i felt everything has to change next year on... never again will we celebrate our birthdays or anniversaries alone.. its sucks! 

Fai gave me a card though which was short but sweet although it might sound corny to some people but it helped lighten my mood... and what he wrote actually brought tears to my eyes while I read it in the in toilet at Soekarno hatta airport....I suppose men have never been great with card choices... the words were sweet but the 2 rings and glitter??? Or maybe he just didn't have much choices in Jakarta! Maybe the rest were in bahasa!! But I know no matter what it meant something to me...

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Testing the efficiency of online orders

I was so excited about the birth of my new nephew I went online at 7am looking for something to send..... after googling the many sites that do deliveries I settled on Petals... wanted flowers but I'm sure RZ would have gotten his wife some really nice ones so I decided on a bouquet of balloons instead..

I was apprehensive about the delivery ... thinking whether it'll arrive at all since the order was sent only this morning but they totally exceeded my expectation.. At 3.27pm Hanan smsed saying she received it....I'll definately use them again!!


I jus text Cik Imah after reading Raizan's post about being activated......... and I'm so excited to announce Hanan has safely delivered her baby boy at 1.10am AUS time... 9th August 2008... 

National Day baby?? But in Singapore still the 8th August!!! hmmmmm . That lucky boy gets to celebrate his birthdays for 2 days in different countries...

No official name given yet but for now can call him 'IBNU RAIZAN'.... CONGRATULATIONS MY DEAREST CUZZIE!! I now have a new nephew!!