
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Why my 'surprise' trip ended up not being a surprise!

Tomorrow's trip was supposed to be a surprise trip... to celebrate our post anniversary but silly me dumped all this year's tickets together and Fai 'accidentally' saw it! darn it!!

Anyway since I grabbed the booking off him before he actually saw the date, he wasn't exactly sure when I would be flying up except that its in August somewhere!! 

Last weekend when I was there...he said his staff made arrangement to go to Bandung for the weekend and he said 'You're not coming up next weekend are you?'

huh????? darn!! If i didn't tell him I'm either stuck in Jakarta alone for the weekend or I'll have to spend another US$50 to cancel and re-book my flight for the following weekend!! What would you have done if you were me??? I gave him a pout.. this pathetic... pleading look... THEN HE LAUGHED!! I got tricked!! 

His staff is still in the midst of arranging appointments but its not firmed and its just his way of tricking me into telling......... hmmmppphh!!!

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