
Monday, August 25, 2008

Weird of the weirdness...

When I got back from Jakarta on Sunday i totally couldn't sleep because somehow I K-Oed in the plane and couldn't even open my eyes when the rest of the passengers started to move out! So i was updating Facebook and Multiply and i saw a chat prompt... it says 'Farhana Satar- Nezondet'.. asking why am i not asleep at 1.30am!!

Ok... just to recap... my husband has had a very long history of many relationships in his life.. i always thought I coincidentally happened to be around since he vowed to get married on his 30th birthday! Anyway, he was engaged once to this girl ,Fazila and when his engagement crumbled, he started dating this Farhana... then she left for Melbourne to study and things didn't work out then only I came into the picture... (trust me.. its not as complicated as it really is... Fai dated many more people .. i'm just cutting the story short!)

I've always been civil when I met Fazila..i mean we're both married now anyway so whats there not to be civil about... however I have never verbally spoken to Farhana although I 'saw' her at her sister's wedding or at some expo thingy.. then I added her on Facebook and suddenly I get the about chat thing!

Its surprising how you can converse with anyone and there's no weirdness.. We chatted about the commonalities.. people we know... her life in France.. kids.. jakarta.. but our main topic apart from the obvious was my mother in law and Fazila!! I guess its hillarious that we both we sort of 'mentally tormented' by the fact that Fai's mom loved Fazila to death and we both played second fiddle to her. I used to argue with Fai all the time even after we got married about it as to why her name was always brought up... 'Fazila this, Fazila that.... uurrrggghhh' .. I didn't realize Ana went though the same thing!!

When I told Fai about it he was silent... maybe there was no reaction because it sounded... well... weird... when I asked about some of the things that happened.. he bloody can't remember it... does men have an extremely short-termed memory capacity or is it just that they do not want to answer certain questions for fear of dragging the whole conversation into an arguement?? ahhahaha

I can understand if he thought it was weird... i would too is he started talking to Ismail.......... yikes!!!!

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