
Wednesday, September 03, 2008

What Do You Do During Lunch?

I'm not one of those who will stick around in the office doing nothing at lunch time...even if I'm dead tired... reason? my office is very open and there's a lot of unreasonable people around..

As most of you know I work at SingPost even though we're not part of them, the common public somehow thinks we are!! Once I got screamed by this A*^hole who demanded to know why am I sitting on my ass doing nothing when the Post Office is packed!! huh?? hellloooo.. none of my business!!!

The last overkill was last week when I went for lunch during my designated lunch hour of 12.30pm to 1.30pm... At 12.35pm one guy calls asking when I'll be back so I said 1.30pm and I'll see him then.. 2 minutes later my phone rang again.. this time from a different no...

Me - Hi This is Narny speaking , can I help you?
Guy - Are you out for lunch? (in a rude tone)
Me -  Yes I am, I'll be back at 1.30pm, if you're keen to take a loan, I'll see you then?
Guy -  I am here already.. (pauses)
Me - Yes i understand but I'm out for lunch already
Guy - Why can't you come back do my application and go again for your lunch!!
Me - I'm sorry but I've ordered my food already and I'm not near my office..
Me - Excuse me? Why must I go for lunch?? Its my lunch time.. I have to eat!

By now this A&*hole was really pissing me off!!

Me - Look Mister.. I'm out for lunch now and I will be back at 1.30pm.. I'll try my best to come back earlier but no promises. Thank you.. (I hung up ... shaking!! What the hell was this guy thinking!!!" When I got back, the jerk wasn't there and when i called back he walked in like the King of The World.. not even a word of Thanks!! uuuuuurrrrggghh

So today, after all the fiasco that happened during lunch I contemplated to either get my hair washed or a foot reflexology...AS LONG AS I DO NOT STAY IN OFFICE!  I chose the latter but the shop that charged $22 per 45 min was closed! Darn.. what to do now? So i saw this shop...

It was pricy was worth every single cent! The chairs were beige (usually others uses those black chair to camouflage the dirt! This one was comfy, has its own foot tub under the foot stool and the guy was extra attentive!! 

Covering me up in towels and wrapping my feet in warm towels.... it was bliss! When I closed my eyes all I could hear was the waterfalls (they had a mini waterfall at the corner) and the guy massaged gently but firmly... the painful parts were my toes and right above the base of the heel... cuz he said I lacked of sleep!! BINGO!! My goodness! He was right!!

They offered me ginger tea but too bad.. I was fasting.. In the end, the 45 min session ended up being a 1 hour session anyway.. for $32?? It was worth every cent!


  1. I feel u sister~

  2. halo gal, what a drama....u dealt the situation w ease, knowing u hehehe.njoyed reading your blog.

  3. Seb...moral of the story is... NEVER ANSWER PHONE DURING LUNCH HOUR!

  4. To Salluvdir...

    Do I know you?? Thanks for reading but I can't seem to remember who you are.
