
Thursday, October 30, 2008


Okay.... It sounds a lot like vagina but NO!! Not even close... It's something Faiz was diagnosed with last night ..
He has slight fever since the day before and he complained his mouth hurts so we saw a lot of small ulcers and blisters in his mouth.. Worried it might be HFMD so went to the doc last night..

What is herpangina?
Herpangina is an illness caused by a virus , characterized by small blister-like bumps or ulcers that appear in the mouth, usually in the back if the throat or the roof of the mouth. The child often have high fever with the illness.

What causes herpangina ?
Coxsackie virus or echovirus
It's spread by saliva and mouth to mouth contact, as well as contact with an infected person's stools! It usually take 3-6 days after exposure to become infected.

Treatment for herpangina :-
Unfortunately, since it's caused by a virus, the is no medicine that will make the infection go away!
You have to wait for your body's immune system to get rid of the virus.

Hmmm so in the meantime my poor Faiz will just have to bear with it until his immune system decides enough is enough ! I'm gonna fight this thing ! I always thought in this time and day there's meds for everything!

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