
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Morning Drama

As I am writing this my hands are shaking.... Not shaking because I'm sad or fearful but shaking in anger!!!

Every morning from woodlands, I will take the 7.44am train which is empty and today was like every other day except right before I sat down one big fat b*^%ch slid her fat tush into my seat!! Obviously my behind have no eyes of their own so I ended up seating on her!! I was shocked! I mean you don't sit facing the chair, your butt does so it's unfathomable that she managed to slide in a mere 10 inches before I sat!

The moment I sat on her, I turned around and she glared at me!! Like as if it's my fault! Automatically I said loudly "Goodness Me!" and other fellow train commuters shook their head in disbelieve ...that just shows that some Singaporeans are just a bunch of kiasu, uncivilized lot!

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