
Friday, February 20, 2009

Faiz First Dentist Visit!

Yesterday was Faiz's first visit to the dentist and my my.... what a drama I tell you! Faris has always been a pro when it comes to visiting the dentist and they love him despite the many crowns and lack of teeth! He's easy, chatty and most of all he listens to instructions!

Faiz however had other ideas.. he kept sticking his tongue out and after close inspection 3 fillings needed to be done.. bottom molar, top 2 incisors.. after awhile he started getting really fidgety and the 'drilling' made him thrash around. It was rather difficult for the dentist especially when he started 'groaning and sobbing'!

After 1 hour in the chair, I was presented with the bill.. a whopping $165 for 3 fluoride fillings at $55 each... we went home happy until Faiz showed his new teeth to Mama... she said "Which one did the dentist do? How come like no different?".. I asked Faiz to opened his mouth and voila... the filling is gone!!

Drove back to the dentist to get confirmation that i wasn't halucinating that its gone.. "Yeap.. your son swallowed his fillings" the Doc Faiz to lie back which he adamantly refused and after threatening to tell his Abah that he relented! Doc had to re-do the entire thing again ... luckily at no charge!

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