
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ayam Kalasan

This is Faris favourite fried chicken... double the cooking process but thats what makes this Javanese chicken very flavourful...

1 chicken cut in quarter
500ml coconut water (from fresh coconut)
500ml water .. (if you want a more intense taste, use 1 litre of coconut water instead)
6 shallots, 3cm galangal & 3 cloves of garlic (blended)
2 tablespoon of gula jawa or palm sugar (1 circular block)
2 daun salam (bay leaves)
2 tsp salt & 1 tsp pepper

Boil all the above ingredients in a closed pot and remove only when the fluid is almost dried out.

Remove chicken

While waiting for the chiken to cook, make the kremes or the crispy batter topping..mix the following ingredients and fry 1 ladle of batter until crispy. Remove and pour another ladle until mixture is finished.

1 cup of chicken stock
1 egg
1/4 cup rice flour
1 cup water
a pinch of salt

Deep fry the chicken until brown, cut into half (i prefer to eat smaller chicken pieces than the 1/4 piece) pour kremes over it and serve with sambal terasi & lalapan...

Monday, September 19, 2011

Almond Muhallebi

Craving for something sweet but something middle eastern... i only 1 piece of the Baklava Roll the other day and I´m craving for more... hmmm .. what do I have in the pantry that i can turn into something from middle east??.. lots of pistachio, raisins, milk etc but no filo pastry.... hmmmmm... rice pudding... saw some ground almonds earlier... almond muhallebi it is then!

In a pot, simmer 1 1/2 cups milk, 1 cup evaporated milk, 1/2 cup sugar, 1/2 tsp almond essense, 1/4 cup raisins & 1/4 cup chopped pistachios.

In a bowl, mix 3/4 cup blanched ground almonds with 1 cup milk. Set aside.

Once the milk mixture starts to bubble lightly, add the above mixture.

In another bowl mix 2 tablespoon rice flour, 2 tablespoon corn flour with 1 cup milk and add to the pot. Continuously stir the mixture until thicken.

Spoon into bowls or cups and sprinkle more raisins with chopped pistachios. Chill in the fridge for at least 2-3 hours. Best served cold.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ayam Kalio Ala Cik Imah

Always loved my Aunt´s cooking especially her Ayam Kalio... So I better write the recipe down before I forget! This is a keeper!!

(Recipe as per Cik Ima)
1 kilo ayam
3-5 btg lada hidup(kalau nak pedas bolih tambah cili atau cili padi)
5 ulas bawang merah (shallots)
7 ulas bawang putih
halia sebesar ibu jari
lada putih
1 batang serai (half blender / half ketuk)
kunyit hidup
daun kunyit dan daun limau (kafir leaf)
1 tin santan (400ml)

1. Blender lada,bawang putih,halia,lengkuas, kunyit dan lada putih hingga halus.
2. Bawang merah di hiris.Panaskan sedikit minyak dan tumis b.merah . Kemudian masukkan rempah blender.Tumiskan sekali serai(yg telah di ketuk) daun kunyit dan daun limau.
3. Masukkan ayam .Agak2 rempahnya dah serap bolih masukkan pula santan.
4. Perisakan dengan garam dan gula.
5. Masak hingga mendidih dan pekat sedikit.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I love anything coconut!!! My Faris has acquired my tastebuds and would glare at me if he sees a coconut that I didn´t buy! Today´s recipe is one of our favourite coconut dessert.. a Manado coconut pudding called Klappertaart

First and foremost, scrap the flesh of 2 large coconuts and soaks it in the coconut water. (I like to slice the thicker flesh thinly so that it blends well in the pudding)

Soak 1/4 cup of raisins in coconut water or for the alcoholic version in Rum...

Heat 100ml evaporated milk, 50 ml coconut water, 50ml water, 110gram sugar and 1 cinnamon stick until boiling. Set aside to cool slightly and discard cinnamon stick.

In another bowl, mix 50 gram flour with 50ml water, 50ml coconut water, 80grams egg yolk (app 3 yolks) and 60grams egg white. Once throughly mixed, add the milk mixture bit by bit while vigorously stirring. Heat over low fire until the mixture thickens. Add the prepared coconut flesh only.

Fill up to 3/4 of your ramekins or any baking dish of your choice. Bake for 15 minutes on 180 degrees oven.

While the pudding is in the oven, whisk 100g of egg white with 1 tablespoon sugar until stif peaks.

Remove pudding from oven after 15 minutes and top with meringue, raisins and cinnamon powder. Bake for another 10 minutes. Set to cool & serve

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Talam Berlauk

Craved for a simple but traditional breakfast since Papa is buying Ayam Penyet for lunch.... Faris wanted pancakes but i wanted something savoury.... therefore the Talam Berlauk thing came to mind..

Simply sautee about 200g minced beef or lamb with chopped shallot, add a teaspoon curry powder, pepper & salt to taste.

In a measuring jug (this is for simplicity), mix 150g flour, 250ml water, 150ml coconut cream (I use Kara or Ayam brand Coconut cream), 2 eggs, 1/2 tsp cumin powder, 1/2 tsp coriander powder, 1 tsp salt and a drop of yellow colouring.

Heat the oven to 180 degrees, oil the tartlet shells, pour the batter to 3/4, put a dollop of meat, parsley, fried shallots and sliced chilli... bake for 15-20 minutes....

Faris with his no chilli version