
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Victoria Strawberries & Cream Sandwich Cake

What happens when I crave for a strawberries & cream cake & victoria sandwich and too lazy to make both??? I combine them!! This recipe is for 6 inch cake tins X 2..

Sponge :

170g self raining flour
170g sugar
170g butter (softened)
1.5 teaspoon baking powder
4 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract

´Dump´all ingredients into the mixer and mix until creamy. Pour into lined tins and bake for 20-25 mins or until the tester comes clean on 180 degrees.

Buttercream layer

75g butter (softened)
150g icing sugar
1.5 teaspoon warm water

Strawberry Jam
200ml Fresh cream (whipped)
Korean strawberries (1 punnet)

Mix the ingredients and whip until smooth. Layer it onto the first sponge.
Then spread the strawberry jam..
Then layer with slices of sweet Korean strawberries.. or any strawberries of your choice

Top it off with the 2nd sponge and spread some fresh whipped cream, decorate with halved strawberries and dust with icing sugar.... pop back in the fridge to chill and enjoy!

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