
Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Its weird that I do not like eggs but I lurrvvee chawanmushi... its very simple.. all you need is :-

1.5 cups of dashi or chicken stock
2 tsp light soya sauce
1 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp white pepper

Do a taste test that its salty enough before adding the eggs... alternatively if you do not have any chicken stock, use 1.5 cups water with 2 tsp chicken stock powder.

whisk 2 eggs lightly and add in to the stock mix.

You can add in chopped chicken, shrimps, sliced shiitake mushrooms, crabmeat or crabsticks, japanese fish cake.. well the world is your oyster.. be creative... pour the egg mixture in chinese teacups or small bowls and steam for 20 minute. voila...  of course this is the halal version... the traditional one uses sake so feel free to add that in if you want!

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