
Thursday, July 04, 2013

Bubur Lambuk

The only time I cook bubur is when someone is under the weather ... Be it the Hubs or the children ...and they prefer Bubur Lambuk or Bubur Asyurah. I can't call this bubur Asyurah as this had less than 10 ingredients which is what a bubur Asyurah is. So it's just my version of bubur Lambuk. I personally am a soupy noodle person when I'm sick .. Ah well ....

This recipe is for a big pot enough to feed 4 persons with extra servings.

All I do is wash 1 1/2 cups of rice and fill up the pot with water and simmer.

While waiting for the porridge to cook, blend and sauté the following ingredients 

1 large onion
3 cloves garlic 
1cm ginger

Add a wee bit of water before blending to get a smoother paste and sauté 
Add 3 tablespoons meat curry powder and sauté to cook and pour into the porridge mix.
With the same pot, just add a tablespoon of oil and deglaze the pot with some minced beef about 250g.
 Pour the cooked beef into the porridge as well as some chopped carrots, corn and potatoes . I would usually used mixed veggies but didn't have that on hand today. Season the porridge with the following :

2 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 tablespoon beef granules 
3 teaspoon salt (or more according to taste)
1 tablespoon sugar
1 packet of coconut milk (90g)

Continuously add water and stir the porridge to get the consistency that you want. Serve with sprinklings of fried shallots, spring onions, thinly sliced omelette and sambal kicap! 

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