
Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Martabak Daging

Feeling peckish.... Porridge does that to me ... So here I am making martabak... Woot woot!!

Minced beef filling 

1 onion thinly sliced
2 garlic chopped
1cm ginger grated

300g minced beef

Sauté the above until the onions softened , add the beef.

2 tablespoons curry powder
1/4 cup water
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper

Add the seasonings and set aside.


2 1/2 cup flour
1/3 cup oil
1 tablespoon ghee or softened butter
1 egg
1 tsp salt
1 cup warm water 

Mix all the dry ingredients and add the water bit by bit until you get a soft pliable dough. About 5 minutes in a mixer or 10 minutes by hand. 
Portion the dough and let it rest for about half an hour... 
Oil your board or tabletop and start spreading one dough at a time and add more oil until it becomes a thin square or rectangular shaped dough. (At this point my hands were too oily for any picture! :-))

More sliced onions 
Spring onions
Minced beef mixture

In a small jug, crack an egg, add in some sliced onions, spring onions and about 2 tablespoons of the minced beef mixture (its good to season your beef slightly salty so that once its mixed with the egg, you don't need to season it again)

For an amateur, I find cooking a small portion of the filling on the pan first to solidify it and then placing it on the prepared dough and then adding more egg mixture before folding it makes it easier to be placed in the frying pan.

I used 1 egg per martabak

I made the first martabak like at the mamak stall by filling the dough with the eggy filling and the egg mixture started seeping out when I transferred it to the pan! Blearrghhh big mistake! So for all my other martabaks, I precooked half the filling and then add more before folding. That seemed to work!

Pan fry both sides until nice and golden .. 
Serve it with dahl, sambal or even chilli sauce! I like it with a side of sliced cucumber and onions in tomato ketchup.

This recipe yields 8 portions of martabak. So I par-cooked them and kept it in the fridge for breakfast tomorrow before pan frying them again! 

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