
Friday, February 27, 2015

Youtiao / Cakwe (Chinese Crullers)

God knows how many attempts I've made with these! Finally found a perfect recipe with a little tweaking . Original recipe from Sheila Rusly.

250g flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt 
1/4 tsp bicarbonate soda 
1/8 cup oil
1 tsp garlic powder

Mix the above in a bowl and separately add yeast, water and sugar in another bowl until yeast is frothy. 

1/8 cup sugar
1 1/2 tsp instant yeast 
3/4 cup warm water

Knead the above into a soft smooth dough. Cover and rest for 1 hour. 

Roll the dough about 3mm thin not too thin or your youtiao will end up crispy.
Dip a satay stick in water and press a linein the middle.
Layer another piece on top of the first piece and press down with the satay stick.
Deep fry in oil and I find scooping hot oil on top of the dough makes it puff better and more evenly like how you would do for a Poori. 
Serve with vinegar chilli or eat with your porridge :-)

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