
Thursday, March 31, 2016

Pulut Kuning & Rendang Daging

So it was Han's birthday and I decided
I should make him a traditional Malay cake instead of the usual dessert. 

For the Pulut. 

500g glutinous rice
Water to soak
1 piece Asam keping (optional)
1 inch tumeric blended with water

Soak Pulut about an hour (or longer if you have the time) in water and blended tumeric. Drain and steam for 20 minutes with pandan leaf .

Prepare the coconut milk to mix with the steamed Pulut.

1 cup coconut milk (santan Kara 200ml + water)
1.5 teaspoon salt 
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon tumeric powder 

Mix the above on a fairly large bowl and add the steamed Pulut. Once throughly mixed, steam again for 20 minutes 

For the rendang i realized its not the usual style of rendang.. My granny told me it's more like a thick curry of sorts .

700g of sliced beef 

Anyway just blend the following ingredients.

3 onions
1 cili padi
4 stalks red chilli (because the kids can't take too much spice but do add more of you'd like)
1 cube belacan (2cm)
1 inch lengkuas
1 inch ginger 
1 inch kunyit or fresh tumeric
2 stalks serai
3 cloves
Star anise 
1 cinnamon stick 
1 teaspoon coriander seeds
1 teaspoon cumin 

Blend everything and mix half of the rempah with the sliced beef. Marinate for 30 Minutes.

1 stalk lemongrass 
2 lime leaves 
3 tablespoon curry powder
2-3 tablespoons brown sugar or gula Melaka
1/2 Ikan Bilis cube

Sauté the balance rempah and once fragrant, add in the beef and all the above ingredients and wait for the mixture to boil.

1.5 tablespoon kerisik
Coconut milk  (200ml)
1 Asam keping 

Add the above item and simmer until  the gravy has thickened. Season to taste accordingly. 

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