I saw families with BABIES walking in the hot sun to get there.. i mean why bring a baby?? They cant enjoy it... and worse its probably bad for their ear drums!!!
We definitely enjoyed the RSAF Black Knights manouvres the most!
Getting back was the killer bit... the taxi queue was snaking but at least it was moving... i tell you... when you're being push, shoved, it brings out the worse in people.... there were a lot of people trying to 'cut queue' and the family behind us was extremely VOCAL!!! Profanities included!! hiazzzzz.. If it wasn't for the free tickets from Lorraine, i dun even think i'll even be there!
ah? 1 hr in the cab from tampines? how much sey??? i hope not more than the parking decal! LOL
whoa.... good thing i forgot i promised Z to go! if not buat spoil mood ajer!
i think they brought the baby bcos they HAD to! not the baby wanna see, its the parents! LOL... i dont know kak lily said for babies their hearing havent developed fully so klw shout or loud noises they can't hear. *shrug*
not that they can't hear... its deafening for the growing baby.. super bad parents!! ahahahha
The traffic was slow at Changi Coast walk.. bad was $20 to go and $22 coming back... Decal would have been $50! :-)
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