
Sunday, October 28, 2007

A Not So Fantastic Weekend

I always look forward to weekends.. meaning i dun have to work and i can enjoy it with the kids. However since Syawal we are stuck visiting relatives who haven't been home the first 2 weekends.....

Sunday started out pretty good.. had breakfast at Deli but all went haywire at the Children's playground at Botanic Gardens... i'm not even going to write about it as its a recurring thing... anyway the children's playground was nice... they had a cute treehouse with slides but it was a bloody hot day... spent the day visting AGAIN!! The only highlight of my sunday was going over to Marziah's place for dinner and actually had a peaceful evening..

I bidded for 6 items on Tatarah... greedy eh?? Since i don't buy 4D this is the closest to gambling for me...

These are all the transactions that i did...

Transaction for the value of: S$2.14
Description: Nintendo Wii
Merchant's cart ID: 7D7A28211325001
Authorisation Date/Time: 28/Oct/2007 13:16:02
Transaction ID: 276392941

Transaction for the value of: S$5.35
Description: Philips 42" High Definition LCD Screen
Merchant's cart ID: 7D7A28211906001
Authorisation Date/Time: 28/Oct/2007 13:21:09
Transaction ID: 276393816

Transaction for the value of: S$2.14
Description: Louis Vuitton speedy 30 Handbag
Merchant's cart ID: 7D7A28212155001
Authorisation Date/Time: 28/Oct/2007 13:24:32
Transaction ID: 276394275

Transaction for the value of: S$2.14
Description: Gucci 2008 Collection Handbag
Merchant's cart ID: 7D7A28212549001
Authorisation Date/Time: 28/Oct/2007 13:27:41
Transaction ID: 276394708

Transaction for the value of: S$1.07
Description: Sony PSP Slim
Merchant's cart ID: 7D7A28212955001
Authorisation Date/Time: 28/Oct/2007 13:31:44
Transaction ID: 276395419

The best part was i didn't even had to type a single word... i had my very own PA!! Fizah!! eheheheehh

One more thing that i am going to bid for.... my dream Canon camera....

more pix

This is Fizah... my self-declared PA... Faiz with Ferina & Faris wrestling with Irfan

Friday, October 26, 2007

Raya Visiting - Again!!!

We finally made our way to the 'cousins' houses... rushed home after work, got changed and couldn't resist eating the nasi lemak that mama cooked.... with second helpings! By the time we got to Lina's i was still quite stuffed but i managed to gobble the Chicken Noodle that she lovingly prepared with custard-fruitcocktail dessert... Atiqa was playing 'Yesterday' on the piano and Mama sorta ruined it with her off-key singing... arrrrrhhh my ears!!

Both Faris & Faiz tried their hands at it too... we had great babysitters!! Addy Boy & Hafiz!! We actually ate & gossipped in peace!

Part 2

Before you guys starts commenting on why my kids have been wearing the same outfits in every picture.. its true. i'm such a cheapskate i'm trying to fully utilize it since very unlikely they'll wear it again! They had 4 pairs which is more than sufficient! 1 pair got ruined on raya morning cuz the batik lining started staining the white parts, they have the brown ones, this white one with circular designs & a beige & blue kurtas like outfit... Faiz was running around under Lina's block and suddenly he jumped up and tried to climb like a monkey!

From Lina's house we proceeded to Linda's Sunny Springs condo at Geylang Lorong something.. saw quite a lot of 'service-providers' standing around selling their wares.... ahahhaha ..some looked really hot! Too hot to be an actual woman!

Anyway i only managed to get 1 pix before the battery went kaput... Linda cooked Soto Ayam and she served us with some left over pizzas from that afternoon.. Her hubby Ishak came back after dinner at Long Beach with his colleagues and tapao-ed black pepper crab (which tasted like it was dumped in black pepper and nothing else), Sze Chuan Chicken & something else that i didn't take much interest in.. By the time we left it was close to 11pm.. tired and totally bloated from all that food I consumed ...

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Suddenly i had another craving.. for oysters... the last time i had cravings for oysters i was pregnant!!! No cant be... still time of the month so no way....

My thoughts are on the creamy insides, drenched with lemon juice with a splash of Tabasco... ooooh ORGASMIC!!

Here's some educational facts on these much-beloved Mollusk....

How Oysters Breathe

Oysters breathe much like fish, using both gills and mantle. The mantle is lined with many small, thin-walled blood vessels which extract oxygen from the water and expel carbon dioxide. A small, three-chambered heart, lying under the abductor muscle, pumps colorless blood, with its supply of oxygen, to all parts of the body. At the same time a pair of kidneys located on the underside of the muscle purify the blood of any waste products it has collected.

Oysters Male or Female

There is no way of telling male oysters from females by examining their shells. While oysters have separate sexes, they may change sex one or more times during their life span. The gonads, organs responsible for producing both eggs and sperm, surround the digestive organs and are made up of sex cells, branching tubules and connective tissue.

Rose & Felix's Wedding

I was so looking forward to today... finally the last of the Aquarius girls is tying the knot! We were all in the hockey team at Crescent, I was the goalie..Rose & Siti were playing forward.. They both are 1 year older but I got married first, followed by Siti (who is now pregnant with triplets!) and now Rose... or better known as 'Ain... the solemnization was at the ROMM followed by reception at the Old Soldier's Quarters @ Fort Canning..

Its a rare sight to see Rose in make up and she looked beautiful. The reception was simple but that was the nice thing about it.. it didn't overwhelm the couple itself. The next reception will be in Bali and I woul love to go if I had any more leave left!! sob sob..

I loved the Rojak Petis that was served!! It was thick, pungent and refreshing! The guava & green apple really gave it a kick! yuummmm

Christian Louboutin - shoes that are to die for!

Whats is with these red sole shoes thats so excitingly sexy?????????? Forget about the fact that every stars are wearing them! Angelina Jolie, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton.. just to name a few...

I'm dying for one of these.. can anyone just buy me a pair even though it will kill me walking with the 6 inch heels! Its not that expensive.. around US$1200 a pair..

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Dreaming Away

I've been dreaming of a new luxurious item lately.. i know it seems self-absorb & materialistic but its been awhile since I last splurged on myself!!!! Okay okay.. The Macbook is not counted cuz the kids uses it more than me anyway! Lately my splurges have have been for diapers, toys & new clothes for the kids....

This is my new dream bag.. the Louis Vuitton XL or XXL bag thats tagging at US $3000 for XL & US 3600 for the XXL...

My Louis Vuitton Vernis that you see here is so well-used that even the handles are peeling... sigh... however.... what can US $3000 get me? A week-long vacation in Maldives, 20 pairs of shoes from Aldo or maybe even 6 Manolo Blahniks.... tough choice!

Renewed Relationships

You know its funny.... sometimes you see your neighbours and you tend to just say Hi's and Bye's not realizing there's more to them than meets the eye... We had a neighbourly gathering at our place and 2 other neighbour houses last night and it was refreshing.. i see them with a different eyes now.

My next door neighbour, Cik Ju has 3 kids.. 2 married and the 'baby' Julissa is married to a Pakistani... with their own interesting stories.. I was so smitten with Shifaa with her cute baby hijab... the other neighbour Kak Rabaah was a Traffic Police turned Troubleshooter turned Ikea Customer Service officer turned Housewife & has an adopted daughter which goes to the same school as Faris.

It was a casual, fun night just chit-chatting and getting to know the neighbours again... i kinda wish we could do it more often than once a year now...

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I am sooooo sleepy... woke up at 730 this morning and was still tossing and turning dreading to get up.. thank goodness i was driving today...

Faris was coughing all night so it was a good excuse to skip school.. which means i can sleep a little longer too... heheheh

Over the weekend i managed to watch Ratatouille (again!) & Transformers which i surprisingly enjoyed!! Its a pity Josh Duhamel had such a minute role... he's so hot! Resolution for today?? To watch Brothers & Sisters.....

I caught Faiz slapping powder all over his face yesterday...i couldn't help but laugh... at least looking at it, brightens my day...and Faris clowning around with his big tum... nothing beats that!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Heart to heart

Faiz left for raya visiting with mama & papa wearing Danish's old baju kurung.. he looked so smart in it.. I was going thru spelling with Faris making him memorize his English spelling for his assessment next week... words like, 'bun, over, boat, bat, crib, train, iron, apron, unicorn & ukulele' UKULELE!!!!! I mean i didn't know the word existed until i watched spongebob squarepants and he has to learn it in K1!!! Is the school system for real now??

I finally feel contented... i let every single frustrations out on Fai..via sms... i'm not very good at handling my emotions and if i talk my voice goes up a few decibels which may sound either like i'm shrieking or shouting... so it can be perceived wrongly so sms was the best option for me at that time... now i feel good... like i have no care in the world...

So Fai.. if you're reading this.. just know that I love you and thank you for understanding me....


Suddenly I have a craving.......... for Godiva chocolates... so Is... if you're reading this.. you know what to do....

Us @ Sentosa

Its been a year since we went to the beach as a whole family... and after 1 month of not going to the beach i just realize what a maasive amount of weight Faris put on. He can't even fit into his vest!!! ahahahhaha.. he's 31kg by the way!!!

Sentosa & Goodbyes

Before Fai left we managed to squeeze in a day in Sentosa as well as lunch in JB earlier that day... weird huh.. people celebrating syawal and we are at the beach... Faris wanted to go to the underwater world but it was pouring when we were in JB during lunch so we thought we'll just dilly dally till the rain stops.. went to Pelangi and managed to eat my Penang Laksa with extra petis at Uncle Jo's. Then had another petis overdose when we stopped by Clementi for my Cuttlefish Rojak at Brother's...

@ underwater world, Faiz was not afraid of feeding the stingray!! I was so surprised and he even touched the albino snake! I was intrigued by the dragon-seahorse like creature with leaves attached to its body and the beauty of the jelly fish.. We chilled by KM8 as usual saw this arab woman in her bikini.. she had huge boobies!! With an even bigger tummy!!! eheheheh

At the airport, thankfully Faris was sleepy so he didn't create a ruckus with his teary dramas.. Faiz just hugged and said BYE nonchalantly...

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Recap - Not too good...

My heart still feel a little weary... somehow i cant get used to the fact that Fai is gone.... and yet he's enjoying himself over there.... somehow i got a little irritated when he said he was going to see Black Eyed Peas in concert on Saturday when here I am at home with the kids feeling exhausted & frustrated! I can't even lavish myself on anything new and there he was enjoying himself! Is it fair that I have so much more responsibilities than the 'so-called' man of the house??

I think NOT! Yet i can't express my frustrations cuz he's out there alone and bored... and I'm supposed to be that 'understanding & supportive wife'..what am I to do?? Why am I sacrificing more than him... then again he feels he's sacrificing a lot by leaving us as well..... I dunno how much can my patience stretch....

The weekend was a blur... Fai left on Friday night and throughout the weekend i kept getting this throbbing headache.. went visiting again and am totally exhausted... maybe my migraines & headaches come from the lack of rest and getting my period at the same time totally wasn't a big help either.....

I realize a lot of people were giving $2 ang paos this year... are these people earning less or are they just too stingy to give more?? I thought the standard is at least $4.. goodness even when I was a kid getting $4 was a norm.. Somehow I just don't have the heart to give $2 to a kid.. but I'm getting shortchanged.. so if this family gives $2 to my 2 boys.. we get $4 in total... and yet i give $4 to 5 of their kids.. they get $20... so thats $16 loss to me!!!!!! uurrrghhhh

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Rainy Wednesday

It was hot one moment and it started pouring the next..i drove home to see the boys and have lunch cuz mama just boiled fresh lontong to eat with sayur lodeh.. it was my least fave menu but somehow this eid i cant get enough of it! Plus i had to sent the chicken wings home to defrost!

After work i rush home to cook spaghetti goreng & my black pepper wings.. again the wings were wiped out.. Marziah & family came.. I gave Ferina my pink kitten heels pump cuz she was wearing a pink top.. i cant believe she can fit into my shoes! She's 12!!

Went visiting to 2 of Fai's uncles in Woodlands after that and got home at 11pm.. took a long shower and gonna go to bed....

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Mundane Tuesday

Sob sob.... i'm back at work!! The only thing that i looked forward to is to go home and being with my boys! Also the fact that Wati, Lina & Linda is coming sort of made the clock ticked faster... What's the menu? Tomato rice, sambal goreng pengantin, my famous black pepper wings, salad, daging masak merah & sambal telur & eclairs...

They came slightly after 8pm and stayed till 10.30pm... every year we look forward to them coming.. dunno why.. maybe cuz they are just as noisy as we are!