
Friday, November 30, 2007

Ridzwan's Wedding

Ridzwan is my UNCLE... but he's younger than i am... weird huh... he was adopted when he was little by my grandaunty so status wise he's an uncle to me...

The solemnization was supposed to be at 8.30pm but the kadi came at 9.30pm! So we kinda starved till 10pm until they served dinner... I stayed at the void deck playingwith Faiz knowing how noisy he'll be.. Faris wanted to see the 'nikah' proceding but ended up sleeping!!! ehehhehe.. The only reason why i went is cuz i'll miss the wedding luncheon on Saturday since i'll be in Batam relaxing by then.. yooo hoo

Tough Boys..

Came home from work and found Faiz with cuts and bruises... no he wasn't abused by Faris.. he's just clumsy & accident prone... like me.. ehehehhe

First he rode the bicyvle down the ramp, couldnt stop and banged right into the wall, next Faris cycled and he banged into Faris... so as a consolation I brought the boys to get a well-deserved toys (its been awhile anyway..) Faiz choose a long bus that goes from Beijing to Washington.. (HUH!!! ??? Where got bus travel from China to US!!?), Faris choose RipJaws from his Ben10 series.. came home and not even 1 min later the door of the bus came off... i started nagging at Faiz and i cant believe what he did! He covered his ears!!! Gosh... kids these days!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Me?? Friendless??

Yati just commented that my group of friends are getting lesser.... in fact Fai mentioned that fact so very often as he has a group of friends that has been together since their pre-pubescent days! siggghhhhh .. the truth so further from the facts... I have too many close friends that its sad when I cant spend all my time with them... My routine daily is go to work, come home except when there are meeting days where at least I get to socialize.... why you ask me??

Cuz i have 2 boys waiting for my arrival at home... it takes effort to be a friend and I just simply do not have the time.. I am husbandless as you all know so I have to be the daddy & mommy to my boys! Plus its better to have a few really good friends and many acquaintances than many many friends who neither care or love you!

Friends that i miss hanging out with and some that I promised to go out with...

Lena & Esthel (Introbar & Coffee buddy), Shamin R, Sub (who's Shamin R's hubby), Shamin N, Rozita Pledger (my sun-tan buddy), Surya, Kitty (who's now in UK), Nelson, Fadzlin, Elizabeth (who matched-made me with Fai), Peggy, Uma, Angela, Vicky, Beatrice, Ernie (who's now in Boise), Brenda, Dj Ann, Farid, Is, Lucky, Lynn, Steffi (who's now is US), Siti, Rose, Rosemarie, Sarah, Shai, Skye, Ivy, Tasha... and i'm sure there are others that I missed out...

When will i ever have time for these people?? Should i do a list and make plans with one? Surya texted me last night asking if i am available to meet up tonight and I cant... mama's going out ...

Thats my life story...

Here's a picture of Shamin R (Sub's wife) the only time i managed to meet her was shortly after she gave birth and now her daughter is crawling!! *shake head...*

I love RED....

Yati said I've looking rather 'lifeless' these days.. maybe cuz i work in Yishun which is like 3 stops away so there is no reason to get all dressy and glammed up for work... Gone were the days of my skyscrapper heels and feeling like Carrie Bradshaw when i walk out the front door... siggghhh..

Then i realize.. maybe the reason i look 'blah' is cuz I wear BLACK every damn day!! It doesnt complement my skin yet I wear it cuz I am just too lazy to iron my clothes and now i wear flats to work.... boring.. no wonder!!!

So i decided to wear Red to work last Saturday and snapped a couple of pix at work and it does so much wonder to my outlook.....i look fresh, i look welcoming and most of all.. i look 'full of life'!! Do you agree??

Yati & Fad's Wedding shoot

Ni Betul Macam Minah Jawa....

Hang Jebat? Hang Tuah? Hang Lekiu??

Looking like a princess...

Soooo Anggun..

Fad in green.... froggie turned prince charming??

Oh Fad..Tu Bedak ke Tepung??

Jambol boleh pinjam??

It was hillarious cuz Yati was pissed that she had to tilt her head to look at her own pics so she went home and uploaded her pics for me.... My wedding pics were normal cuz i had a normal 'mak-andam' but hers was dramatic... i guess if you have a man doing it.. thats the kind of result you would expect...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Why Don't Cab Drivers Ever Listen???

After meeting on Tuesday we decided to walk down to Clarke Quay before going home.. plus i havent seen the band that performs at Cuba Libre.. and Fai told me to collect $200 from Shukor to buy some of his stuff in Jakarta.. The last time i went it was some cheesy band... so it was a good excuse.. a shortwhile later, me & Chris decided to leave and we stood there calling one number after another for almost 30 mins when Yati, Elena & Liting walked out... It was a Tuesday.. not exactly a night that people go out and it was a nice whats the causal of the delay????? hmmmmppphhh

To make things worse, we manage to get Comfort so i specifically said 'Woodlands then to Yishun... go by PIE"... the bloody idiot drove past Clemenceau then turn towards Cavenaugh.. which is fine IF he had gone to Cavenaugh... instead he drove straight to CTE!!!! So i asked him "Hello I told you to go by PIE right why you go by CTE!' His answer was simple.. "Here I go by SLE... No PIE' bloody goondoo... i was so fuming mad!! Whats the point of travelling by CTE and going to Woodlands then back out to Yishun.!!!! I hate CTE.. the neverending slow traffic at all hours just increase my irritated mode by a notch. It doesnt matter that we could claim the fare.. what matters is as a passenger.. i have my prefered route .. why don't they ever listen!

Brain Dead..

Chris having her baquette...

so different....... you look all grown up all of a sudden!!

I like this... somehow the violet colour complements your skin tone..

Have you ever felt tired, lifeless and just looking forward to going to bed?? Thats how I feel at this moment.. i don't have the inspiration to do anything.... not even update this blog.. siggghhhh

To say that i've had a lousy week is not true.. i took the kids to the doctor on Saturday (blah...yes they were sick again and they had to get better after i blew $48 on them!), I cooked several times on Sunday which was nice cuz it was cold and rainy and i feel somewhat comforted... I baked bread & butter pudding at 8am, grilled ayam percik at 9am, went to Sheng Siong by bus... came back had the ayam percik with ulam & sambal belachan...then Faris wanted muffins so i baked him blueberry muffins at 3pm.. then fried bee hoon at 5pm....

and the week started again ....I had breakfast with Christine at Deli on Monday and then Yati MMSed me before her photoshoot.. she looked so different but very very nice kind of different.. I told to email me a vertical one as i tried cropping, tilting, rotating and nothing worked!! She asked if i didnt like it... i do !! So dear.. here goes... your sideway pix!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

My Heart Aches

Its been more than a month since I last saw Fai for 'Eid... 2 days ago he said he had bad tummy ache and it was so bad, it rendered him to bed for the whole day yesterday... as a wife I feel so helpless being here.. I wish i could just fly to be by his side and nurse him back to health...

So I called him and spoke to him for a good hour.. You know if he's eaten, if work was good, hows the weather, what the kids have been up to..mundane stuff like that....The thing is after 6 years of marriage, certain words like 'I Love You' & 'I Miss You' doesn't seem as important anymore.. its the quality of the things being said in between.. so we rarely say it..

I looked up the cabinet and saw my favourite wedding picture (yeah i was slimmer then and Fai looked much younger than his 30 years!!!) and my heart ached.... I miss you darling..........I really do...

My Latest Splurge

The Mixed Grill

The Chicken Kebab

Christine waiting to dig in

My precious Balenciaga bag

Me with the goodies for the night

The evening started very innocently... Choo bought me dinner at Cafe Le Caire cuz some shares of hers hit the big pot... with much persuasion she dragged me to town after that 'to walk it off' .... and somehow she made me buy the Balenciaga bag that I was eyeing all sorts of reasoning came sprouting out of her mouth to ensure me that I am not making a mistake!... and to top it all, after we walked out and enjoying our Gelato midway, she stormed back in the shop and bought me a matching wallet... as a pre birthday gift... aaawwww... i could have killed her.. i love her to bits but i could have killed her all the same............



My lovely Krispy Kreme....... the ORIGINAL!!

The Franchise

The Donut Variety...

All I did today in between customers was bouncing one email after another with my new friend Lynn...

Then the emails changed to food topic then donuts..... then i realized how I miss my Krispy Kreme & Jco......

I've never been into the local-made donuts but walking at Cold Storage last week there was surprisingly no queue at the Munchy counter so i bought half a dozen to try and boy did i regret it... 2 ended up in the rubbish after no one turn a blind eye to it.. i forcibly pushed 2 down my throat and Mama & Papa had the other 2.... I should have just followed my gut and ignore until my next trip to Indonesia.... which is Batam on the 1st.... JCo .. here I come....

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Heat Lounge

I was the only one not listening to Jahan's instruction to look away!! ahahaha

Me looking at Luis blankly...

Kelvin and me.. any closer our head is gonna fuse together!

The girls.. Christine, Sarah & Jenny looking so Kawai... eeeuuu

Thursday is our usual meeting day... so we decided to go for dinner at Cream Bistro & listen to the band at Heat.. it was okay.. atypical of hotel lounges... very creative in terms of presentation BUT VERY BAD UNIFORMS!! The girls had this floral-cheongsam-like dress cum cheerleader outfit and the guys had a vest in the same colour.. AWFUL!!! Kelvin said its good.. so when people mention Heat they can remember the awful uniforms and nothing else!! duuhhhh

We were clowing around taking pictures and silly me forgot my camera and happily thinking my phone has a flashlight!! ehehhehe Pictures courtesy of Jahan...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Cafe Le Caire

The Happy 2 Help' polo that we were all stuck wearing!!

The lovely pita & hummus

My shish kebab that came with basmati / vermicelli rice & salad

The Crispy chicken that EVERYONE had...

Choo (with a new hairdo) and Luis - glowing after their meal...

It was a cold boring day.... i know i'll be clueless on what to have for my meals so i packed a pastrami sandwich for breakfast and Hokkien mee (instant)with hotdog for lunch... Stayed in for lunch and started watching a new series called 'Conviction'...

After work we had to go for the 5th Anniversary and to put on this 'Happy 2 Help' polos... we all look weird standing there with skirts & polos.. ehhehe the only good thing was that we get this nice neck thing (gosh! i dun even know what its called!! duuhh)

We were so famished and i am badly in need of proper food and the queue to the Buffet was like super long! So we sneaked out and went to Arab St to Cafe Le Caire... yummmmmmm... we had Pita & Hummus for appetiser, I had the Shish Kebab, Yati, Chris & Luis all had the Crispy Chicken.. i was so greedy!! I kept flipping the menu undecided on what to eat!!! We all had Hibiscus drink but poor Yati was sneezing and looking very ill!

It was a fulfilling night... we probed Luis on why he's not gonna hit on Sarah (another colleague) and his answer 'I don't want Ifs and When'.. I'm a realist' ... so bottom line is.. i think he does carry a torch for Sarah... only problem is she's attached... so much for a realist... we found out he was still a virgin at 21!! aaahhahahahahaha

The trio looking camera-ready....

I looked like I'm ready to sleep! My hair was messy! All i cared was that I had good food!

On the way back Luis wanted to avoid the erp (which was non-existent after-all!) and went through Serangoon.. I was surprised they still had the light up!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Exhausting Sunday

The Kids Playing at the Children's Garden @ Botanics

The Lovers holding hands

Faris riding the pony .. 'yeee-haw'

Faiz bawling when riding the horse

Faiz looking more contented riding the wooden horse

I am totally knackered!!!! Why?? Cuz i got up at 7am and had a full day out today...
Fetched Vicky & Zach at 9am for breakfast at West Coast Park and then picked Angela & the kids to the Children's Garden first.. the weather didnt look too good so we wanted to go to as many places as we could...Botanics, Gallop Stable in Pasir Ris, Changi Point and West Coast Park ...

Zach was so brave.. he fed the pony some hay and being the brave little critter that he is, he gave the pony his arm!!! AND GOT NIPPED!! eheheheh

Faiz was so excited so I thought maybe this time he'll actually ride it! I put him on the horse and for a moment he was ok then he started to panic! Well lucky for Faris, he gets 2 rounds.. each round is $10 but the most irritating part was the guy who brought them around,, the styke or whatever... he looks moody... well i would be too if i were him! Getting pissed & shit at every other minute! ahahhaha