
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Morning Drama

As I am writing this my hands are shaking.... Not shaking because I'm sad or fearful but shaking in anger!!!

Every morning from woodlands, I will take the 7.44am train which is empty and today was like every other day except right before I sat down one big fat b*^%ch slid her fat tush into my seat!! Obviously my behind have no eyes of their own so I ended up seating on her!! I was shocked! I mean you don't sit facing the chair, your butt does so it's unfathomable that she managed to slide in a mere 10 inches before I sat!

The moment I sat on her, I turned around and she glared at me!! Like as if it's my fault! Automatically I said loudly "Goodness Me!" and other fellow train commuters shook their head in disbelieve ...that just shows that some Singaporeans are just a bunch of kiasu, uncivilized lot!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Faiz First Dentist Visit!

Yesterday was Faiz's first visit to the dentist and my my.... what a drama I tell you! Faris has always been a pro when it comes to visiting the dentist and they love him despite the many crowns and lack of teeth! He's easy, chatty and most of all he listens to instructions!

Faiz however had other ideas.. he kept sticking his tongue out and after close inspection 3 fillings needed to be done.. bottom molar, top 2 incisors.. after awhile he started getting really fidgety and the 'drilling' made him thrash around. It was rather difficult for the dentist especially when he started 'groaning and sobbing'!

After 1 hour in the chair, I was presented with the bill.. a whopping $165 for 3 fluoride fillings at $55 each... we went home happy until Faiz showed his new teeth to Mama... she said "Which one did the dentist do? How come like no different?".. I asked Faiz to opened his mouth and voila... the filling is gone!!

Drove back to the dentist to get confirmation that i wasn't halucinating that its gone.. "Yeap.. your son swallowed his fillings" the Doc Faiz to lie back which he adamantly refused and after threatening to tell his Abah that he relented! Doc had to re-do the entire thing again ... luckily at no charge!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Nonsensical Rantings

I have been looking forward to today since the last 2 weeks and yet I am dreading it.... looking forward not because of Valentine's as we have never never celebrated it... it just coincidentally falls on a saturday in between... but yet the feeling of dread is undeniable... because i know in less than 48 hours, I'll back here doing the same thing I am doing now....

My sense of dread is also bringing him down thinking I am less excited at seeing him... why can't I take each day as it comes? Look forward to today and dread when I should TOMORROW!

There are more important thing to be done than lament over trivial things like this.... when will feelings or thoughts like this end I wonder..? I used to wonder the same thing when I was in my teens... how would I feel when I am 30... 30 came and went and yet I still feel the same thing.. and now I wonder .. will i feel different when I am 45 and menopausal??  Will I feel the same feelings I felt at 17 and 30? oh well... I guess only time will tell and I'll know then answer then.....

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Bali Trip - Flight Cancellation

Garuda called me in the afternoon and informed me that my flight back from Bali to Sin had been cancelled!! AND I BOUGHT THE TICKETS IN DECEMBER!! So they will just plonk me in an earlier flight at 3pm!! Almost 6 hours from my initial departure!!! I was kind of dumbstruck... but I managed to mutter that I will not be able to catch that flight as there's a chance we will be in Lombok.... the person on the other line said "Oh then I'll call you back"

It didn't really sink in until after I hung up that losing 5 hours is a lot of time!! I could do the following..
1) Have a long therapeutic massage while Fai look after the boys
2) Shop till I drop along Poppies Lane
3) Hit the waves 
4) Have another round of Nasi Uduk at Warung Made
5) Go to Surf Warehouse and rummage through the discount bins

and list goes on....

Anyway I immediately called Esthel, who is in the travel trade and she suggested that I TELL Garuda to arrange an alternative carrier or give some sort of compensation or a full refund.. I knew that already but I just needed someone to reassure me that it can be done! She also said that with the current economic situation, a lot of carriers are cancelling their flight as and when they feel like it!!! uurrrghh

When Garuda called I was prepared with my questions .. the kakak was really helpful so I didn't see the need to be bitchy to get what I wanted.. :-) She offered the full refund but thinking of the hassle of finding another carrier is such a dread!!!

She said the initial 3pm flight has also been canceled so now I'm left with with an SQ flight at 4.25pm. Alternatively if i wanted to stay in Bali longer I could take GA via Jakarta... i told her travelling with 2 young children ALONE taking that route is almost unthinkable!! Can you imagine the kids flying from Bali at 8pm, reaching JKT at 10pm, wait for transit for another 1.5 hours the taking another 1.5 hour flight back??? I can't... it'll be so exhausting for them!

After much deliberation with Fai.. we decided on SQ... we get an upgrade and the kids will be more comfortable anyway... I hope this drama ends here... aarrgghhhh