About Me

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I´m a foodie who lives to eat. A Singaporean living in the heart of Jakarta. My food blog started because I could never remember my recipes back when we travelled back and forth from here and Singapore...and I´m terrible at keeping folders! So this was my savior. I still rely on this blog to cook so just know that the recipes here are all tried and tested!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sotong Hitam & Terong Balado (Squid in Ink & Spicy Eggplant) & Pengat Durian

I'm really not inspired today.... the weather is hot, i'm feeling sticky and I can't wait for tomorrow to come quickly...
So today's menu is really simple... typical Malay dish of Sotong Hitam & Terong lado..

Recipe for Squid in Ink (Sotong Hitam)

1 kg of sotong or squid (since it shrinks after cooking!)

I wash and clean the squid, separating the head and body, slicing the squid about 2 cm lengths.

4 tiny bags of the squid ink (removed and set aside from the squid's head)

2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoon sugar

Blended ingredients

5 onions
3 garlic
1cm tumeric rhizome (kunyit hidup)
10 stalks of dried chilli (soaked and drained)
4 squid ink bags

Sautee the blended ingredients in 1 cup of oil until 'crispy'.. meaning all the blended ingredients are fully cooked and aromatic. Add in the squid and let it cook for about 10 mins... i do not add water as the cooking process of the squid will liquified the gravy. Add salt & sugar to taste. Removed all the squid to your serving container keeping the liquid on stove. Continue simmering until gravy is more concentrated and thick according to your preference.

Recipe for Spicy Eggplant (Terong Balado)

2 long eggplant sliced into 4 cm length

Pan fry both sides for about 5 minutes on low heat with oil until slightly browned & soft.

Pounded items (coursely)

5 stalks of fresh red chilli
2 small cloves of garlic
1 small onion
1/2 tomato

1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon sugar

Sautee the pounded items in oil for a minute and season with salt & sugar
Pour over brinjal and serve..

Dessert today is Pengat Durian & Kacang Hijau (Durian with Green Beans Soup).. tired of all the cheese the past 2 days so i decided on the king of fruits and its humble accompaniment.. green beans..

Recipe for Pengat Durian & Kacang Hijau

1 cup of green beans (soaked)
2 pandan leaves
1 litre of water
1 cup santan (coconut milk)
a pinch of salt just to bring out the coconut taste
Sugar (white or palm sugar according to preference)
A bowl of durian with seeds

Boil the green beans with water and pandan leaves for about an hour until soft, add in the durian and simmer for another 15 minutes. Add the rest of the ingredients as well as the santan (coconut milk) and simmer on low heat for another 5 minutes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like you artikel about sotong hitam and terong balado please come on to manfaat terong siam

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