This year didn't seem festive at all! Maybe since Fai is not around and no one did any 'korban' like last year. Faris was happy cuz he received the trophy for participating in the Fortis/Soccer camp... Managed to get another nice shot of Faiz smiling which made my day! The rest of the day was spent at Mak's place eating..and i was so sleepy... the weather is so not helping!! I think i nodded like 3 times while driving from Juring to Tampines and i couldn't risk it so I called Fai to speak to me while i drive!
My poor husband did nothing except for prayers and went to work... hmmmmm...
Is this ur MIL's place? Cantiknye. kat mana eh?
Another way me & my dad do to shake away the sleepiness while driving is to sing OUT LOUD. like shouting! u can try tt~
yup my MIL's... she stay at those HUDC apartments at Taman Jurong.. very near to the now defunct Chinese/Japanese garden..
thanks for the tip... its hard to shout when 2 boys and a mother is sleeping... :-(
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