We spent the sunday splashing around in the pool after going to Pacific Place http://www.pacificplace.co.id/upublic/ which is under the Ritz Carlton Management.. so the place is very posh..we got there at 9.15am and realize that the tickets were sold out 3 weeks beforehand! Fai had to shout at the staff cuz he was given the wrong info to be slotted into the 4pm entry... Why did he shout? Firstly, he went to recce the place & to purchase tix but the staff said no probs just buy on the day itself! Secondly, we only had that Sunday to spare... each tix cost us Rph 150,000 X 3 & Faiz was at $Rph 95,000...How does the average Indonesians pay!!!
Gosh.. its pretty costly and each entry allows you to stay for only 5 hours. I thought we could have finished everything by 3 hours... kinda reminds me of Disneyland where you queue for hours and the rides are 3 mins long!
Faris didn't even managed to go up to 2nd floor... he managed to become a firemen, police, Peter Pan, Fast Food Cook, do a health check, get a licence, become an F1 Racer & Open a bank account! pheeewwwwwww.. sound like a lot huh!
What'a Pacific Place?
COoking looks fun there!
Pacific Place is like mall ie, Taka that kind but 10 times more posh man!!! There's even a yacht to dine in over there...
We went to this place called Kidzania where kids can role-play into whatever occupation they want to be when they grow up..! Its super cool and we're going again in march! Tak habis try every single occupation!
I have a few unused Kidzania ticket/voucher for sale at a discount. Valid till May 2010. Call me 021.68687236
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