About Me

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I´m a foodie who lives to eat. A Singaporean living in the heart of Jakarta. My food blog started because I could never remember my recipes back when we travelled back and forth from here and Singapore...and I´m terrible at keeping folders! So this was my savior. I still rely on this blog to cook so just know that the recipes here are all tried and tested!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Kuih Bakar Berlauk (final version)

Was not satisfied with my last attempt so today i amended the recipe and its da bomb! To me anyways.... :-))) I like my kueh soft no matter what others say... lol
Again... this is another one of my famous ´dump´ recipe where i put everything in a blender and thats about it. he he he .. (i hate clean ups!)

200ml santan (1 box Kara or any coconut milk / cream)
150ml water (which i poured into the Kara box so that i do not waste even a tiny bit of santan)
100g flour
1 tsp salt (or according to taste)
2 eggs
yellow food colouring (optional - i didn´t use any today)

1 shallot chopped
150g minced beef
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp curry powder
black pepper / salt

chopped chinese parsley, fried shallot and sliced chilli for topping

sautee the onion and then the beef and season accordingly. Pour the batter into greased mould, spoon some meat in and sprinkle the topping and bake in 200 degrees oven for 20 min.


SuperMas said...


narny said...

Thanks Hun!

Lola said...

My go to recipe! Very yummy!

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