
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My 30th Birthday

Turning 30 was a very low key event for me...I was upset that i coudn't fly to Jakarta... Faisal wasn't around, he gave me my kebaya & Scrabble way in advance.. si i felt there was no reason to celebrate..I had a surprise though.. he sent me flowers to the office!!

List of things i received

1) La Senza robe from Yati
2) 2 sets of bra & underwear from Mark & Spencer from Yati
3) Balenciaga wallet from Choo
4) A shawl from Cik Sarinah & Cik Rahimah from Giordano
5) A planner from cuz Hanan
6) $200 cash from Mama
7) $100 from Mummy
8) A bodyshop set Kelvin
9) A heartshaped cookie from Famous Amos from Yati & Choo

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Birthday & Farewell BBQ

19th January...
2 years ago we had the same thing.... but that was at home.. this time my preggie cuz Hanani arranged it at the Costa Sands Chalet.. they ordered food and i ordered the cake.. Hanani left for New Zealand with her dear hubby on the 26th.. her parents & siblings went home to Melbourne the day after so we all ended up at T3 for 2 straight days!!!

The chalet was fun... everyone came and it was nice seeing faces you usually see only once a year..the kids had a blast of course.. swimming, running around.. we even took a night walk along the beach....

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The ugliest shoe ever

Okay... granted i have nothing better to do... there's a reason why i post it up sideways so that you people can see the ugliness of the shoe! Took a pix of this lady wearing the ugliest sandal ever... it was platform and a cross between those sports sandals as well.. it had the logo of MBK (i'm assuming its MaBoonKrong).. and maybe she got it as a free gift while shopping there! Its so ugly it caught my eye!!!! BAd eye!!!!

Night Out With Surya....

It was a long awaited night out after work... dinner and good conversation with my dear friend Surya who is so unpretentious she makes me wanna do funny faces .. heheheh

We went to Cafe Le Caire and as usual she was a good 30 min late! After 6 or 7 years of not meeting up, somehow i knew old habits die hard! *wink*

She lost tons of weight .. damn i think i am bigger than her even! I saw bones protruding! What bones protrude from me?? Does kneecaps count?? I have bony kneecaps.. maybe i lost weight there! *sob sob*

We walked around the back lanes and saw House of Japan and realize we both dun have any cash left although we wanted to rummage thru and find some vintage wear at $10 each so we promised we would go again next week or the following week... i did a little retail theraphy though considering I was upset that I wasn't on talking terms with Fai.. being a bull head that he is...

I consoled myself with a new pair of shoes (patent, peep toe wedge) from River Island and since i badly needed to replace the sunnies as well...i bought that too... walked pass Crabtree & Evelyn and saw the English Breakfast Cookies which is sooo yummy and bought that for mama...definately not worth it but the packaging... definately for $18 a tin..

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Another Long Awaited Outing

I've promised Shamin that we'll meet up like eons ago and never had the chance until yesterday.. so i drive over to Forest Hills condo where she lived and took the kids swimming... nice pool... long ones with a circular baby pool with water sprinklers.. the kids enjoyed it.. i usually hate pools.. it makes my skin look grey and i can never get a nice tan... maybe its the chlorine... maybe her pool uses less chlorine or whatever..

Anyway we headed to Dempsey and was about to bring the kids to Bambini when i realized they are closed at 6pm!!! We got there at 5.30pm! What a waste!!! So i bought ice-cream and the kids had a tumble at the Ben & Jerry's van.. and we sat having tea at Jones the grocer... it was weird to see Sub again after many many years.. its funny how we were so close before and now we're practically strangers...

After that was toys time to compensate their Bambini time and Faiz chose a train set and Faris surprisingly chose a Thomas Train plug in game!!!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Popeye Again!!!

It seems for now I am in the mood for fried, greasy food!! uuurrgghhh maybe thats my way of coping with depression... of not having my hubby around.. or relieving the stress at home...

So since i had to meet a client over at One Raffles Quay i decided to proceed to the airport afterwards to have dinner with Yati...
So we had the Chicken & Shrimp Meal for $16.90.. upsize $2.. and I get extra sized drinks with 2 extra side dishes.. i took the mash & the coleslaw.. i feel like such a glutton! Anyway the closing hours at Popeye's is at 2am!!! Which means the next time i fetch Fai at midnight I can have supper there! yippeee.. i think the best thing abt Popeye is the Biscuits.. would have been better if they had some sort of gravy to eat it with.. but the jam is fine... feels like having breakfast after dinner! lol

Anyway we decided to talk for a bit and wash the food down at Cafe Ritazza talking about her impending nuptuals and her honeymoon... i think she's more excited about the honeymoon than the wedding itself! lol We decided to save $ by taking a bus home.. gosh did i underestimate the timing!! I left T1 at 9.40pm and by the time the bus travelled to T3 it was already 10.10pm!! People around me were snoring and there were all sort of smells!!! Reached Yishun at 10.45pm and I should have gotten off and taken a train! Instead i sat and waited.. i finally alighted at 11.20pm!!!! By then I was hungry again... :-)

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Saying Goodbye...:-(

I just hate it! I hate saying goodbyes and I refuse to cry when Fai leaves.... at the airport at least ... for fear of smudging my mascara...So I would usually bawl the night before! heheheh

We left super early from the last experience with ValueAir.. it took the entire time at the airport to check in!! Then he had to leave!! Fai usually travels with Garuda, Lufthansa but this time the tickets are full since he came back right before New Year...

Abah & Mummy were there too sending him off.. Jainal left together with Fai as well...

So before leaving i had to console myself with food again.... so we had Popeye's to-go as I was rushing to fetch papa... I bought the 2 pcs chicken, Shrimp popcorn & seafood set... i love the biscuits!! Plus they give you a jam to go along with it! The Cajun fries are also a killer..only the chilli sauce were a dissapointent... those 'western-food stall chilli' not like Popeye speciallity chilli.... i totally forgot to take a pic of the food since i ate while driving so whats left is the cute to-go boxes...

Faiz First Day @ Iman Kindergarten

I took leave so that i could see my baby go to school! Ok ok..playgroup is not school school but you get my gist! The main pictures are in Facebook as well the video of him alighting from his school bus.... I was so worried he'll cry but to my surprise Faiz took it all in his stride like an adventure!

Fai stayed with him for the entire 1st day..all lengthy 1.5 hours... I was so proud!! I wanted to cry... my baby is off to school!
When he came back he even took off his own socks, shoes......aaaaahhhh

2nd day was better! He wanted to get ready at 12.30pm!! School starts at 1.45pm!!! So by 12.45pm he was in his PE attire, shoes & backpack all ready!! Talk about excitement!!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Tragic Sunday

The sunday was supposed to be a wonderful outing.. we hit the beach again since Fai dun get a chance in Jakarta... but tragedy struck when Fai was giving Faris a piggy back.. his chain came loose and fell into the water.. Whats so tragic about that?? Well a couple years ago when Fai was playing Footie (as a goalie) he sprained his ring finger and had to permanently remove his wedding band.. YES THATS TRAGIC FOR ME!!! ehhehehe

So he loop it on his chain so that i'll be close to his heart always... so now my hubby is wedding-band less... I wanted to cry when he came up looking screwed up but I know if i did i'll make him feel worse .. so i told him we'll always remember Sentosa's Tanjong Beach as where his ring will be... for always...

I took a picture of my rings... I will never lose it insyaallah unless i lose my finger itself!! Its been on my fingers for the past 6 years we've been married..never take it out.. not even when i shower. I feel naked without them.. and what's more.. the wedding band is my mas kahwin... see how lopsided mine is?? all dented.. it had Faisal's name engraved on the inside with our wedding date.. my name is somewhere in the ocean........

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Saturday Surprise

Fai said that he's taking me for a surprise lunch on Saturday! So we went into JB and he made Faris cover my eyes way before stulang... all he said was I'll enjoy it even more than in Australia!!!

So when we reached our destination imagine my shock when I saw he was taking me NANDO'S!!! He knows how i always stuff myself with Nando's when we were in Melbourne. I mean not that Nando's were not available in KL, Penang & Melacca!! But when am i going there also right!!!

It was pouring rain so i couldn't take a proper picture of the facade.. its located at Zon near the Stulang Area side.. gosh the place is so revamped now with Handlebar, Modestos and even some posh-looking clubs..

Anyways... back to my chicken.. the first thing Fai asked the waitress was "Ada chicken RIBS tak??" .. her reply "Ribs takde Strips ada"...hmmmp SO WHO'S MORE EXCITED!!! We both had the 1/4 chicken.. i was tempted to eat all the sides but i didn't wanna be too greedy considering my resolution is to lose weight!! Damn! So i settled for peri fries & coleslaw sides.. Fai took the Peri Corn.. with extra HOT PERI SAUCE!

I enjoyed my lovely lunch so much i didn't even take a picture of myself amid ensuring the boys didn't eat the spicy parts..
I couldn't leave empty handed either and since i didn't want to look like a glutton considering i purchased RM3 worth of goreng pisang, RM1 keledek & RM1 tempe.. i decided to buy myself a souvenior!! The Peri Sauce!!!!

Friday, January 04, 2008

2nd Birthday Gift

Did I mention that I will spend reminiscing my 30th birhday alone??? Hitting my 3rd decade of lifetime ALONE!! Fai won't be back until the 6th right before Chinese New Year so I will spend it ALONE!!!!! Anyway Fai bought me my tailored kebaya... he specially purchased the fabric from Jakarta and the sales guy even spoke to me on the phone!!! It must be expensive considering how hard he was upselling it Fai! When i saw it I loved it!! Its very soft French lace.. very subtle with a bronze threads.. just that little hint of glamour.. Fai even sent it to Lordess the same tailor who did my gold kebaya that i wore during Zaki's wedding!

The picture is not clear on the lace... but can you see how sweet i already look?? (*puke puke*)

Okay.... then my 2nd gift...he took me to Metro and made me choose a new Scrabble!! We've been playing Scrabble daily before bed ever since he got back...(yeah!! Scrabble.. you read that right NOT SCRAMBLE!!):-) Thanks love!!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Faiz First Movie

My leg hurts.... it hurts to walk... i guess following through to my 2008 resolution hasnt been easy... I went for a massive run and did 100 squats... climbing up the stairs are now a hellish chore!

My 3 resolutions are for 2008

1) To lose weight....
2) To have my 'Vacation Fund'
3) To stop 'chatting' at work..

Went for dinner at Swensen's.. We had 2 Crayfish Pasta, 1 Chicken Baked Rice & Faris had the Ham & Cheese Burger... Total damage? $59.60.. - $40 voucher from M1... $19.60..

I couldn't resist stopping by to Aussino to purchase the green 370 threadcount bedsheet... $139.90 with the 40% voucher.. damage $83.94

Anyway silly me booked the wrong date for Alvin & The Chipmunks movie.. in my excitement i booked Wednesday so we took Faiz for his first ever movie! He was okay until the last 30 minutes of the movie!! He kept turning his body around & around!!!

Well... at least we tried....

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

New Year's Day

We spent the morning having breakfast at Killiney... wiped out 1 bowl of mee siam, 1 nasi lemak, 1 set of kaya toast & 1 set of french toast with 4 half boiled eggs.... buurrppp

I couldn't resist the 'Free Smells' from the Famous Amos counter next door so i whopped up 150g of Macadamia & 150g of Double Chocolate.... yuummm

After polishing everything we went to the pool over at Pan Pacific as the MM pool was closed... I was so impressed with Faiz... he could swim on his own now with a float! Faris saw the English chick by the name of Caramel,that he met from the day before and totally hung out with her... when we reminded him that he has a girlfriend ...he replied nonchalantly.. "I still love Liyana Mommy... Caramel is just a friend"

After checking out, we took the train home! I totally dozed off!! In fact me, Fai & Faris slept all the way in the train.. Faiz was surprisingly quiet! Looking out the window all the way!