About Me

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I´m a foodie who lives to eat. A Singaporean living in the heart of Jakarta. My food blog started because I could never remember my recipes back when we travelled back and forth from here and Singapore...and I´m terrible at keeping folders! So this was my savior. I still rely on this blog to cook so just know that the recipes here are all tried and tested!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

2 Ingredient Biscuit Recipe

Okayyyy not exactly 2 Ingredient if you count the salt! But If you like Popeye's or Texas Chicken biscuits? Try this ultra simple recipe! Original recipe was from King Arthur


170g self raising flour
1/4 tsp salt
3/4 cups cream

I usually don't keep any self raising flour at home so my recipe is as follows 

170g all purpose flour
1.5 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
3/4 cup cream + 1 tablespoon cream (I find it too dry with just 3/4 cup cream)

Mix all the ingredients lightly and use an ice cream scoop to scoop onto greased lined baking trays. Brush with more cream.

Bake for 15 minutes at 225 degrees celcius or until it's golden brown.

Drizzle with honey or eat it like a scone with jam and cream.. Yuummm

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