About Me

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I´m a foodie who lives to eat. A Singaporean living in the heart of Jakarta. My food blog started because I could never remember my recipes back when we travelled back and forth from here and Singapore...and I´m terrible at keeping folders! So this was my savior. I still rely on this blog to cook so just know that the recipes here are all tried and tested!

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Silly Silly Me!

In my excitement not to feel too blah for my first day back at work, i set the alarm on my phone early... 6.40am to be exact.. So i could take a long shower, pick the clothes to wear, maybe wear one of my new heels... etc

I dashed out the room with my towel in hand and noticed its still really dark outside...

What i didn't realize is that i set it on Aussie time! 

Which means I got up at 4.40am!! To go to work!

Now I feel silly and I can't go back to bed... what a silly way to start the week!

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